Trademarks are perceivable signs which enable a client or a consumer to distinguish your products and services from those of other businesses.
A trademark is a protective title, formed by a distinctive sign such as a name or a logo, and which gives the owner the exclusive right to use the sign for defined goods or services.
The purpose of this distinctive sign is to allow the public to distinguish the goods of one business from those of its competitors.
A trademark can be protected in the following forms: verbal (a single word), figurative (a logo on its own), combined (a logo and a name) or in the form of a slogan, a jingle, a threedimensional shape or a colour. In order to be able to be protected, a trademark has to be capable of being represented graphically.
Photograph courtesy of
Creso Pharma Switzerland GmbH
CANNAQIX® Swiss trademarks n° 699652 and n° 712784 – International trademark n° 1 359 341